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Loving People at the Bottom

Dao and Bpop, staff at The Well, explain their hearts for the broken.

Bpop and Dao live for the broken. They have a ministry to those at the bottom, the ones Jesus says his sheep normally care for. Jim sat down to interview them about their heart for the people of Thailand.

Read time: 2 minutes; video 18 minutes

When Americans ask me questions about our missionary work, they’re usually the straightforward, simple kind. “How long does it take to get to Thailand? What’s the weather like?” 

Those questions are fine, but I wish people would go on to ask, “Who are some of the people there that are most precious to you?” Because then I would have a chance to share about dear co-laborers like Bpop and Dao.

Bpop and Dao live for the broken. They have a ministry to those at the bottom, the ones Jesus says his sheep normally care for. We raise their financial support to do this, but this is not a mercenary job, something they do for the pay. This is a call and direction they have sought out and live by with all their hearts. 

Not long ago I recorded an interview with Dao and Bpop, asking them to explain their hearts so that other Thai folks might also respond. I was so blessed that I decided to subtitle the video and transcribe to bless others. Perhaps you will be blessed and respond, too.

Support Dao & Bpop’s Ministry

A reliable vehicle is crucial for Dao and Bpop’s ministry, but the 31-year-old pickup truck The Well has been using is reaching the end of its life.

We hope to purchase a 7-passenger Toyota minivan and ask for your help to raise funds beyond our normal ministry budget. Please consider giving a one-time donation to our vehicle fund — and/or share this request with your church or small group.

Having a reliable van will help us:

  • REACH: Plan outreaches to high-need areas, like Chinatown and other red-light zones and visit women who are trying to transition away from exploitative work and need community and care while they make big life changes.
  • TEACH: Bring women and families to churches, seminars, and retreats, and students to field trips, camps, and more.
  • SEND: Create opportunities for Thai Christians to volunteer on outreaches or community care trips and learn from workers like Dao and Bpop.

Our goal is $10,000, and any amount will be helpful. We’re grateful for your support.

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