Thailand Ministry Highlights
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Main Summary
Our focus remains “Reach-Teach-Send”, focused on patiently building disciple-leaders, with the ultimate goal of bringing Thai people to Jesus. But as a relational society, this can only happen through a foundation of strong Jesus followers both sharing and demonstrating the Gospel.

Thai Christianity continues to grow but remains challenged in demonstrating the Gospel especially to the poor and broken, due to its shame-based culture and focus on wealth-building. But a small group of Thai colleagues are chipping away at these two obstacles. The multiplying impact we pray for is indeed happening, as leaders are gaining credibility in Christian circles, and becoming increasingly effective not only in reaching and teaching folks with great need, but in mobilizing more Thai people to join in the work.
Marginalized Communities
Located next to the main garbage dump for eastern Bangkok are two ramshackle recycling communities housing well over 1000 people, at least half who are Myanmar nationals. Ann, our Thai social service coordinator, began lifesaving and relief work here during COVID, and with her ongoing coordination it has since matured into a growing, thriving community-development network, with people increasingly learning and living the Gospel.
Your partnership also provides resources for transportation, so that these children from this same community can go to a church that welcomes them, to a place that they look forward to from Sunday to Sunday.
Ann and this network of Christian volunteers provided:
- Mental health education, counseling
- Medical services, health education
- Educational enrichment, both to Thai and children from Myanmar
- Case management social services
- Bible teaching
- Prayer ministry
- Home visits
- The miracle of a place provided after several years of wishing and waiting.
- A young child with reactive attachment disorder including no eye contact began to thrive.
- Developmentally delayed toddler began to walk with help from a physical therapist.
- A young girl unable to communicate verbally began helping clean and interacting with volunteers.
- Boys moved from apathy to engaged, and are asking for a place to play sports.
- Parents began to ask faith questions.
- Community members became increasingly involved, including Muslim, Buddhist and one brand new Christian.
- A young mom, 30, with long-term effects from a stroke, received extensive services, along with her two teen daughters who help care for her.
- An elderly woman chose Jesus just last year and began to openly witness for Him. She recently went home to Jesus while sleeping.
- Several older folks expressed interest in God’s word.
- A local resident has provided new clean, indoor space for children’s activities for nominal cost, turning down a very lucrative offer.
- Increased focus on steering kids towards learning and growth instead of delinquency
- Kids are asking for a better place for playing soccer.
- Possibly beginning a church in the community

Dozens of women, girls and some young men or boys freelance on the street all hours of the day. Many are older, mentally ill, or runaway teens. Dao and Bpop facilitate a network of volunteers providing:
- Weekly Bible teaching
- Weekly worship event
- Periodic educational and fun activities
- Home visits
- Service referrals
- Job training and referrals
- This year we have seen God change desperate lives to lives with hope.
- Women are connecting to and participating in Dao and Bpop’s church.
- A 13 year old girl, abandoned by parents, by parents and severely abused by men is now in foster care with Dao and Bpop and responding wonderfully. Her younger sister is now being considered as well for foster care or inclusion in the new Sapphire Home.
- Other young are becoming serious about making changes; an older teen boy is now housed at The Well under Bpop’s tutelage.
- Several women were baptized and have been able to stop sex work.
- More Thai people are owning this type of ministry and bringing in new resources. This is especially groundbreaking.
- A group of Thai folks has just completed renovation of a house in a strategic location in central Bangkok, to be used as a ministry center.

On Nut Center
Our three rented properties that formerly housed The Well programs and office have been repurposed for the following:
- Offices and classrooms.
- Drop-in services for people in crisis.
- Temporary housing for women and children in transition.
- Workspace for our Connect Peanut Butter business.
- Space for outreach, worship and fellowship events.
- The Glass of Water Church fellowships every Friday, often drawing new people from the community.
- Saturday children’s learning program and Glass of Water Leadership Program for high school students.
- Video podcast studio
- Women and teens developing skills in the Connect Peanut Butter business.
- Most women in temporary housing are alumni of The Well, coming back for a restart. These have been learning and growing in a community setting.
- Workers housed and placed a sibling group of 3 after their mother was arrested. The oldest, now 15, is the first student in the new Sapphire Home.
- Bible studies and counsel provided for people in life transitions.
- Opportunities to continue relationships that have been built over many years, to reconnect and provide further safe experiences to children whose early memories have been with us.
- A struggling marriage, with the couple strongly considering abortion, was greatly improved, with a beautiful daughter born in October.
- We hope to being organizing a network of ministries and churches bounded by roughly in an area of about 5 square miles for joint outreach efforts.
- We are looking to house activities related to the Sapphire Home, including work-study at the coffee shop, and orientation for girls entering the program.
- The podcast studio has been held up due to a staff person needing to take care of family crises but is expected to restart in January.

Sapphire Girls’ Home
The Sapphire Home for teen girls began this year under the initiative and sponsorship of Kevin and Robin Shipp of Rohnert Park, California, and their ministry, Desire of Nations.
We are serving as long-term partners/consultants, helping with policy and curriculum development, training, recruiting, coaching and outreach. Because of the pioneering nature of this ministry, along with the challenge of finding and preparing qualified workers, the program will grow very slowly.
- The home officially opened with its first student in November, with our alumna Prang as the first houseparent, and Unna, a new worker, as director.
- Other candidates are under consideration to start early next year.

Leader development
This heading includes both specific programs and priorities that we incorporate into all programs. Our primary long-term goal is to help Thailand move from a primarily missions-receiving country to a position of sending.
- Addy Kotchakreng completed an M.A. in Ministry Leadership at Wheaton College, magna cum laude.
- The Well alumna Kay Tabman is studying sociology at Ramkamhaeng University.
- 8 eleventh-grade girls grew in vision and leadership know-how. Six were non-Christian, but one so far has chosen to follow Jesus.
- Three staff completed a 2-year, approximately 250-hour training program in Bible and holistic ministry.
- Alumni Sorn and Gik have fit well into new ministries, with Sorn as Thai pastor of a new church along with an American team, and Gik as Director of Dton Naam Ministries, targeting especially transgender sex workers.
- Alumna Sophia Loibl has been networking and initiating ministry and mobilization on multiple fronts, including both international and Thai.
- We are praying for more girls in the Glass of Water Leadership Program to meet Jesus, along with their direction in choosing university studies. Also for boys to join.
- We are hoping to place one student in an exchange program in the U.S.
- Addy has been invited to begin investing in university students housed in a Christian-based center.