the beauty at the bottom.
We serve in order to cultivate deep transformation in people, families, and communities.
Church and Ministry
Slow Is Good
Quality takes time.
It’s easy to become frustrated with the slow process of growth, both in others and in ourselves. Here we look at the opposite perspective, that the slowness can actually be a good thing.
News and Updates
2024 Ministry Report
Thailand Ministry Highlights
by Jim Larson | December 21, 2024 | Read time: 7 minutes
We saw breakthroughs happen on several fronts, new partnerships, including a new very needed project for teen girls.
How We Got Started
living for the poor and broken
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What we’ve learned and experienced about living and serving in the style of Jesus.

The Well, Bangkok
Based in Thailand, The Well is our working model for a community-based ministry designed to serve people as Jesus did.

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